International Federation of Palynological Societies

The International Federation of Palynological Societies (IFPS) is a federation of regional, national, linguistic, and specialist palynological organizations of the world
What we do …
advance knowledge in palynology and related subjects
promotion of international cooperation
sponsorship of regular meetings between palynologists of all countries and regions
publish the WORLD DIRECTORY OF PALYNOLOGISTS irregularly, and PALYNOS Newsletters semiannually

The IFPS meetings, INTERNATIONAL PALYNOLOGICAL CONGRESSES, are held at intervals of four or five years, and their venues are chosen by vote of the IFPS council, based on invitations submitted by affiliated societies.
The International Federation of Palynological Societies is affiliated with the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS).
15th International Palynological Congress (IPC) / XIth IOPC Joint Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, May 25–31, 2024
The next XVth International Palynological Congress and XIth International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference will take place from May 25th to 31st 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic.
This international joint meeting of the whole community is dedicated to the 200th Anniversary of Modern Palaeobotany, as 1820 was the starting point of palaeobotanical nomenclature inferred from the first issue of “Flora der Vorwelt” the principal work of the Czech “Father of Palaeobotany“ Kaspar Maria von Sternberg.
Palynology and Palaeobotany have a long tradition in the Czech and Slovak Republics with several famous pioneers including Kaspar Maria von Sternberg, Karl and Otakar Feistmantels, August Joseph Corda, Dionýz Štúr, Karel Bořivoj Presl, as well as Czech palynologists and palaeobotanists known world-wide for the modern era, e.g. Blanka Pacltová, Milada Vavrdová, Zlatko Kvaček, František Němejc, etc.
The scientific programme will cover, in oral and poster presentations, all aspects of palaeo-, actuopalynology and palaeobotany. During the field trips, organized across the time and space, participants will be allowed to see Lower Palaeozoic of the famous Barrandien area, to touch at the Pennsylvanian plants of Western Bohemia, to visit Tertiary and Quaternary sequences at the localities in North Bohemia and Southern Moravia, and last but not least, to know the cultural and natural specificities of the various parts of Bohemia and Moravia.
More information can be found on the meeting’s official website:; as well as via:
It will be our pleasure to welcome you all to Prague2024!
Organizing committee in cooperation with Conference Partners Prague Ltd.